
Write and run functional and load tests using a simple declarative description

What is Tester?

Tester is a solution that simplifies the process of both writing and running tests for complicated distributed apps. Tester can be used via the VSCode Extension, the Skyramp CLI, or the various supported language libraries.

Some of the features of Tester include:

  1. The simplicity of specifying API requests in a test. These can be static or dynamically generated via a script.
  2. Overriding mock configurations (such as the responses configured for a mock).
  3. Validation for responses received from the system under test.
  4. The ability to chain request and response values throughout the life of a test.
  5. Load testing.
  6. Report generation based on the results of a test.
  7. Metrics collection from the system under test (CPU and memory).

In conjunction with Deployer and Mocker, Tester can be used to run powerful integration and load tests on a subset of your application thereby increasing confidence and saving developers from flaky end-to-end tests.

How Tester Works

Tester consists of 3 parts:

  1. The core logic for running tests that lives in the Skyramp worker.
  2. A test description that captures the instructions for running the test (what is called, where the call is made to, how the response should look, etc.).
  3. Javascript support for specifying pre-execution steps, post-execution steps, or for creating inputs for load tests.

Once the Skyramp worker is up and running, a user can use the VSCode extension, the Skyramp CLI, or a language library to generate and manage distributed functional integration and performance tests. Once a user is ready to run the tests, they can use one of the previous methods to send tests to the Skyramp worker, which will trigger the tests to begin. Once the test is completed, the user will be able to view corresponding test results.

How to Test Services

Learn how to use Tester to write and run tests for distributed applications.

Test Description

Learn more about specific features and configurations of the Skyramp test description.